
Lesson N

Page history last edited by Travis Doyle 9 years, 8 months ago

Lesson N.1 (05/11/2015)


Warm-Up N.1: 

Write a letter to yourself for when you start high school.  Be encouraging!


Classwork N.1:

Discuss Storybook Project

Read Examples

Discuss the Moral of the story











Lesson N.2 (05/12/2015)


Warm-Up N.2: 

What was your favorite story as a child and why?


Classwork N.2:

Discuss Storybook Project

Discuss the Moral of the story

Students submit their own morals












Lesson N.3 (05/13/2015)


Warm-Up N.3: 

Why do you feel people teach lessons with stories?


Classwork N.3:

Discuss Storybook Project

Read Examples

Discuss the Moral of the story

Students submit their own morals

Students begin to plan out their own storybooks











Lesson N.4 (05/14/2015)


Warm-Up N.4: 

Make a list of five things you feel a good story should contain. (Don't be vague, I know a good story will have an introduction, I want to know some specific things that will make that introduction great).


Classwork N.4:

Discuss Storybook Project

Read Examples

Discuss the Moral of the story

Students submit their own morals

Students complete planning out their own storybooks









Lesson N.5 (05/15/2015)


Warm-Up N.5: 

Write two or three things about your story that make it unique.


Classwork N.5:

Discuss Storybook Project

Read one of Mr. Doyle’s stories

Students continue working on storybook










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