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Page history last edited by Travis Doyle 9 years, 5 months ago

Lesson SB.1 - 04/06/2015


Warm-Up SB.1:  

      Mr. Doyle has decided to take you on a safari for spring break.  Draw a 6-frame comic of your safari.  Use copy paper.


Classwork SB.1:

     Students will begin Brochure project.

            Brochure Requirements:

Must advertise a place from a literary work.  (Examples)

Student must have their location approved.

Brochure must be illustrated, clearly showing time and effort.

Brochure must model proper spelling and grammar.

Brochure must help to compel individuals to want to visit their locale.


     Continue grading essays.


Homework SB.1:

     Given unlimited resources, how would you spend your spring break?  5-7 sentences.












Lesson SB.2 - 04/07/2015


Warm-Up SB.2:  

     If you were to visit a lost city or civilization, which one would you choose and why?  Draw a picture and write 2-4 sentences, doodle and write 3-5 sentences, or write 8-10 sentences.


Classwork SB.2:

     Look up information on your literary land.

     Grade Essays.



Homework SB.2:

     Write an MLA citation for the literary world you are using.











Lesson SB.3 – 04/08/2015


Warm-Up SB.3:  

      Draw a four frame comic of you in your literary world.  You get to have a camera.  Don’t forget to draw your camera.


Classwork SB.3:

     Continue working on brochure.

     Grade Essays.


Homework SB.3:

     Write five sentences describing your best friend or worst enemy; underline an adverb in each sentence, circle an adjective.  Do not name this person.












Lesson SB.4 – 04/09/2015


Warm-Up SB.4:  

      Why are we grading essays in front of the class?  Write 5-7 sentences!


Classwork SB.4:


On one of the back section of your brochure, cite your sources, where you acquired your information, in MLA Format.


Finish any remaining work on the brochure.


Begin brochure presentations.  Students that are completely done and present today receive a bonus 10%.


Homework SB.4:

     Spring break was instituted for students to take a break and recharge after studying and working hard in their classes.  Explain why you deserved spring break in the first place.




Narrative Presentations:









Lesson SB.5 – 04/10/2015


Warm-Up SB.5:  

     Free write 5 minutes.


Classwork SB.5:

     Finish presentations.


Closure SB.5:

     Staple homework and warm-ups together, put your name, date, and class period on both sides of every sheet.  Turn sheets into your class section.



Narrative Presentations






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