
Lesson H

Page history last edited by Travis Doyle 9 years, 11 months ago

Lesson H.1 (03/16/15)


Warm-Up H.1:  

      Write a Frayer Model or Flash Card for the term, "Audience." 


Classwork H.1:

     Read:  http://www.bigfootencounters.com/


     Write the website owners a letter - do you believe in Bigfoot or not?  Support your argument.




     Certain class periods will be given the opportunity to make up assignments.


Homework H.1:

     Why do people argue about things that are not important?  Write 5 - 7 sentences.










Lesson H.2 (03/17/15)


Warm-Up H.2:  

      Write a Frayer Model or Flash Card for the term, "Purpose." 


Classwork H.2:

     Take notes on Relevancy


     Read:  http://www.nessie.co.uk/


     Read:  http://www.unmuseum.org/nesshoax.htm


     Come up with your own opinion on Nessie, write a paragraph, use a quote from each source to make your argument.  You will receive zero credit if you do not use MLA citation.


Homework H.2:

     Write five sentences with adverbs in each.  Circle your adverbs.










Lesson H.3 (03/18/15)


Warm-Up H.3:  

       Write a Frayer Model or Flash Card for the term, "Task." 


Classwork H.3:

     Are werewolves real?  Where did the story come from?

  • Assemble into groups
  • Each student finds their own source
  • Students put their sources together to make arguments 


Homework H.3:

     Write five compound sentences with different FANBOYS.










Lesson H.4


Warm-Up H.4:  

      Write a Frayer Model or Flash Card for the term, "Analysis."


Classwork H.4:

     Take notes on good arguments and bad arguments.


Homework H.4:


Write five complex sentences with and adjective in each.











Lesson H.5


Warm-Up H.5:  

     Write a Frayer Model or Flash Card for the term, "Myth."


Exam H.5:


Take a quiz on your notes and arguments.


Closure H.5:

     Staple homework and warm-ups together, put your name, date, and class period on both sides of every sheet.  Turn sheets into your class section.









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