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Page history last edited by Travis Doyle 9 years, 10 months ago

Lesson 9 & 1/2.1


Warm-Up 9 1/2 .1:  

     If you could have any superpower, real or imaginary, what would you want and why?  Doodle yourself and write 3-5 varied sentences.  Examples:  Martin Luther King Jr. had the charisma to move a nation.  


Exam 9 1/2 .1:


Take test on Engrade.  Students may use the internet to look up answers.

Papers will be passed back and filed.

Check to make sure Keynote is on all iPads.


Homework 9 1/2 .1:

     Every hero fights for a good cause.  Some people fight with their words, while traditional superheroes use superhuman powers.  Regardless of the means, what would you fight for, given the chance?  How would you like to make the world a better place?  5 - 7 sentences.










Lesson 9 & 1/2.2


Warm-Up 9 1/2 .2:  

     If you were a superhero, with a superpower, what/who would your arch nemesis be?  3-5 sentences and a doodle.


Classwork 9 1/2 .2:


Students will ensure that everyone has Keynote on their iPads.

Instructor will demonstrate some of the basic elements of Keynote.

Students will be taught how to cite pictures.


Homework 9 1/2 .2:

     What is a real life hero that you look up to, and why are they a good person?  5-7 sentences.











Lesson 9 & 1/2.3


Warm-Up 9 1/2 .3:  

     Doodle a short comic of your battling your arch enemy.  3-5 frames, a minimum of one sentence per frame.  Is your battle a fight or a debate?


Classwork 9 1/2 .3:


Rubric will be given for student presentations.

Students will begin working on their presentations of heroes.


Homework 9 1/2 .3:

     Every superhero fights their arch enemy more than once, write a sequel to your warm-up!  3-5 frames, a minimum of one sentence per frame.











Lesson 9 & 1/2.4


Warm-Up 9 1/2 .4:  

     Make a checklist of steps you'll need to complete in order to be finished with your presentation by Monday.


Classwork 9 1/2 .4:


Students will work on their hero presentations.

Surprise Presentation check worth 100 points.


Homework 9 1/2 .4:

     Why do you think you're asked to give presentations?  Why is this an important skill?  5-7 sentences.









Lesson 9 & 1/2.5


Warm-Up 9 1/2 .5:  

     Free write for ten minutes - no iPads.


Classwork 9 1/2 .5:


Students will work on their hero presentations.


Closure 9 1/2 .5:

     Staple and submit all warm-ups and homework.







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