

Page history last edited by Travis Doyle 10 years, 4 months ago

Lesson 534.1 (10/06/14)


Warm-Up 534.1: 

      Write Mr. Doyle a letter assigning him a midterm grade.  Include:  A letter grade, explanation as to why he deserves that grade, suggestions of academic activities you would like to do in class, and constructive criticism on how he can be a more effective teacher.


Classwork 534.1:


Work on thesis statement presentation.  Questions 11-20. 


Homework 534.1:

     Write a friend a thank you note for giving you a piece of onion and garlic flavored chewing gum.  This may be sarcastic.











Lesson 534.2  (10/07/14)


Warm-Up 534.2:  

    Come up with your own essay prompt.  3 - 5 sentences required.


Classwork 534.2:


Complete thesis presentation 11-20 (minimum)


Log on Moby: http://www.mobymax.com/signin

     School Code:  wv195

     Username:     travis doyle (lower case, first and last names)

     Password:      740055555 (your student number)

Complete: Language and Vocabulary tests 


Homework 534.2:

     Do you like Moby?  Write 5-7 sentences.









Lesson 534.3  (10/08/14)


Warm-Up 534.3:  

    Design a robot to help you in your daily life, no weapons!


Classwork 534.3:


Complete thesis presentation 11-20 (minimum)


Log on Moby: http://www.mobymax.com/signin

     School Code:  wv195

     Username:     travis doyle (lower case, first and last names)

     Password:      740055555 (your student number)

Complete: Language and Vocabulary tests 


Talk about Mr. Doyle's midterm.


Homework 534.3:

     Design either a pokemon or a dinosaur, doodle and write 3-5 sentences.










Lesson 534.4  (10/09/14)


Warm-Up 534.4:  

    Create a list: what are some of the ways teachers could check for student understanding?  Minimum 10 ideas.


Classwork 534.4:


Go over paragraph structure notes in composition books.


Give test on sentence structure notes, if going over notes is completed.


Well behaved students may work in groups.


Idle time may be spent on MobyMax.


Homework 534.4:

     President Obama has decided to send you to colonize Alpha Centauri.  You can only take a small box with you, one cubic foot.  What do you put in it?









Lesson 534.5  (10/10/14)


Warm-Up 534.5:  

    If you could be anyone, or anything, anywhere, who/what/when would you be and why?


Classwork 534.5:


Finish vocabulary tests.


Assess student progress.


Finish MobyMax tests


Closure 534.5:

     Staple and turn in homework and warmups.









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