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Page history last edited by Travis Doyle 10 years, 2 months ago

Lesson 13.1


Warm-Up 13.1:  

      Write a Frayer model for the term, "Generalization." 


Classwork 13.1:

     Recover notes on thesis statements.


     Practice thesis statements.


Homework 13.1:

     Free write, a minimum of five to seven sentence with variation.









Lesson 13.2


Warm-Up 13.2:  

      Write a Frayer model for the term, "Restatement." 


Classwork 13.2:

     Take notes on Plagiarism.


     Take notes on Rhetoric:

  • Ethos
  • Pathos
  • Logos 


Homework 13.2:

     If you got caught taking credit for someone else's work, what do you think would happen?  What would you feel like if someone took your work.  Write 5 - 7 sentences, think in different types of jobs - someone getting paid for work you did.









Lesson 13.3


Warm-Up 13.3:  

       Write a Frayer model for the term, "Instructional Modeling." 


Classwork 13.3:

     Take notes:

  • Narrative Essays
  • Informative Essays
  • Persuasive Essays 


Homework 13.3:

     What is your favorite type of essay to read?  What is your favorite type of essay to write?  Write 5 - 7 sentences stating your opinion.









Lesson 13.4


Warm-Up 13.4:  

      Describe a platypus.  What different animals is it like?  Write 3 - 5 sentences and draw a platypus.


Classwork 13.4:

     Write a Frayer model for the term, "Compare," and the term, "Contrast," in your notes.


     Take notes on different methods of comparing and contrasting.


     Practice comparison and contrast. 


Homework 13.4:


What are your two favorite places to be?  Compare and contrast them.  Draw a Venn Diagram.










Lesson 13.5


Warm-Up 13.5:  

     Write a Frayer Model for the term, "Tone."


Exam 13.5:


Take a test on your notes.


Closure 13.5:

     Staple homework and warm-ups together, put your name, date, and class period on both sides of every sheet.  Turn sheets into your class section.








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