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Page history last edited by Travis Doyle 10 years, 3 months ago

Lesson 10.1


Warm-Up 10.1:  

      What do you want to be when you grow up?


Classwork 10.1:

     Play Mr. Doyle's lifestyle game.

     Introduction to career essay.


Homework 10.1:

     Choose five careers you may want to have.  Write one sentence on why you want each.  No simple sentences.









Lesson 10.2


Warm-Up 10.2:  

     Write a Frayer Model for the term, "Predict."


Classwork 10.2:

     The number one thing to remember with the career essay is that you must choose a career you actually choose.  You cannot choose a career where someone else has to choose you.


Good Examples:  

  • Lawyers go to law school and become lawyers, they choose to be lawyers.  You could choose to be a lawyer.
  • Nurses go to college for two to six years to become different types of nurses.  You could choose to be a nurse.


Bad Examples:  

  • Football stars are chosen by coaches and scouts.  You don't get to choose to be a professional football player, they choose you.
  • Musicians are chosen by agents and managers.  You don't get to choose to be a musician, they choose you.


Choose a three careers you would like, and that follow the rules.  Submit these careers for approval by your teacher.


Notes:  Career essay requirements.

  • Job Description
  • Education Required
  • Requirements of position
  • Why you want the position
  • Why you would be hired for the position 


Homework 10.2:

     Visualize yourself as an adult.  Write 5 - 7 sentences, or 3 - 5 sentences with a picture.









Lesson 10.3


Warm-Up 10.3:  

      Every job requires education.  Some jobs train you with "on-the-job" training.  Other jobs, you have to go to college or technical school to be trained.  Why do you think people who go to college make more than people that don't?


Classwork 10.3:

     Read:  http://howtoedu.org/college-facts/how-much-more-money-do-college-grads-make/


     Research how much money you'd make in your career for your career essay.  What would a regular workday be like?  Take notes and cite your sources in MLA format.


Notes:  What do employers look for in employees?


Homework 10.3:

     Do you think you would make a good employee?  Why or why not?  Write 5 - 7 sentences.









Lesson 10.4


Warm-Up 10.4:  

      Draw a comic of yourself working your future job.  Draw three frames, write a sentence for each frame.


Classwork 10.4:


Research the education requirements to work in the career you want.  Find a job posting for someone in this field.  How much are they going to pay, how much education do they require, etc. 


Homework 10.4:


Most people don't buy homes that cost more than they make in about five years.  Multiply your potential salary by five, and pick what type of home you'd like.  Use for sale house ads to figure what you could afford.  Write 5 - 7 sentences about what you'd like.  Remember, even though you 5 years of pay might buy the house, you still need to eat while you live there - paying off a home can take between ten and thirty years!










Lesson 10.5


Warm-Up 10.5:  

     Write a Frayer Model for the term, "Jargon."  Is there Jargon in the field you want to join?


Exam 10.5:


Notes on Annotated Bibliography.


Create an Annotated Bibliography on your career. 


Closure 10.5:

     Staple homework and warm-ups together, put your name, date, and class period on both sides of every sheet.  Turn sheets into your class section.







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