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Lesson C - Finishing Yound Writer's and Sentence Structure Recap!

Page history last edited by Travis Doyle 8 years, 8 months ago

Lesson C.1


Warm-Up C.1: 

     What is your favorite story, and why is it your favorite?  Write a paragraph of varied sentences.


Classwork C.1:


     Collect Warm-Up

     Discuss NoRedInk: Sentence Structure

     Discuss YWP

     Conferences on Both


Homework C.1:

     12 feet of snow will fall Friday, and civilization as we know it will be destroyed.  Wha will you pack in your backpack to survive?











Lesson C.2


Warm-Up C.2: 

     What did you do on your snow days?  Draw a comic or write a paragraph.


Classwork C.2:



     Collect Warm-Up

     Discuss NoRedInk: Sentence Structure

     Discuss YWP

     Conferences on Both


Homework C.2:

     Make a short list on what you still need to complete and what order you need to complete it in.  List each exercise on NoRedInk separately and by name.












Lesson C.3


Warm-Up C.3: 

     Some people have tips and hits to make NoRedInk easier than others.  What are two or three different strategies you can use to make the assignments go more quickly?


Classwork C.3:



     Collect Warm-Up

     Discuss NoRedInk: Sentence Structure

     Discuss YWP

     Conferences on Both



Homework C.3:

     Illustrate the main character in your story, be sure to include the illustration of the setting in the background.











Lesson C.4


Warm-Up C.4: 

     Everyone knows that they're supposed to use editing symbols when editing, what should editors look for in terms of content?  Write 3-5 sentences.


Classwork C.4:


     Discuss Warm-Up

     Go over Homework

    Trade papers and Edit (each student must have their rough draft edited by two other students during this class period for full credit)


Homework C.4:

     Write a paragraph on what you would do differently if you could start this essay over again.  A paragraph in 8th grade is 8-10 sentences long.








Lesson C.5


Warm-Up C.5: 

     The majority of students have not used THAMOS, FANBOYS, and SWABI's in their writing reliably.  We speak using these terms, but we don't write with them.  Why do you think that is, and do you think Mr. Doyle would have assigned you these NoRedInk assignments if you'd been using them?  Write a paragraph, include sentence variation.


Classwork C.5:


     Discuss Warm-Up

    NoRedInk: Finish all Sentence Structure

     Type Final YWP


Closure C.5:

     Turn in Warm-ups, Homework, and turn in essays on eBackpack.








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