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Lesson 8: Essay Structure

Page history last edited by Travis Doyle 9 years ago

Lesson 8.1 (09/28/2015)


Warm-Up 8.1:  

      Develop a Frayer model for the term, "Narrative."  Use a dictionary or dictionary website for assistance.


Classwork 8.1:

  • Take MLA Unit Diagnostic Test


Homework 8.1:

     Write 5 sentences with a proposition each.  Circle each preposition.









Lesson 8.2  (09/29/2015)


Warm-Up 8.2:  

   Summarize your favorite story in 4 - 6 sentences and create a doodle for the cover of your story.  If your story does not have a cover, create one!


Classwork 8.2:

     Take Paragraph Structure test on Engrade (Incorrectly labeled as “Sentence Structure”)

Take Notes

                        Essay Structure

                        Essay Types


Homework 8.2:

      Develop a Frayer model for the term, "Informative."  Use a dictionary or dictionary website for assistance.









Lesson 8.3  (09/30/2015)


Warm-Up 8.3:  

      Information is out there!  Write 4 - 6 sentences explaining where you can find legitimate information.  Create a doodle of your information sources.


Classwork 8.3:

Take Notes

                        Essay Structure

                        Essay Types

            Bring Performance Assessment Book Tomorrow!


Homework 8.3:

      Develop a Frayer model for the term, "Argumentative."  Use a dictionary or dictionary website for assistance.









Lesson 8.4 (10/01/2015)


Warm-Up 8.4:

     Is it a good thing to argue with someone?  Describe in 5 varied sentences why or why not it is important to argue.  Begin with a thesis statement.


Classwork 8.4:

            Performance Assessment Book p. 11-19


Homework 8.4:

     Write 6 sentences with an adverb in each sentence.  Circle the adverb in each sentence.









Lesson 8.5 (10/02/2015)


Warm-Up 8.5:  

     Time for a test!  Write 5 sentences was to why or why not you should take this test.


Exam 8.5:

            Finish notes and PA book; take short quiz.


Closure 8.5:

     Staple homework and warm-ups together, put your name, date, and class period on both sides of every sheet.  Turn sheets into your class section.









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