
Lesson 7: Paragraph Structure (Thesis Statements)

Page history last edited by Travis Doyle 9 years, 4 months ago

Lesson 7.1 (9/21/15)


Warm-Up 7.1: 

      Develop a Frayer model for the term, "Thesis."  Use a dictionary or dictionary website for assistance.


Classwork 7.1:


Take Notes:

  • Finish Basic Paragraph Structure
  • Thesis Statements 
    • Provide examples
    • Start Presentation


Homework 7.1:

     Write 5 compound sentences with adverbs.  Circle the adverbs.












Lesson 7.2  (9/22/15)


Warm-Up 7.2:  

    Thesis Statements are important!  You will be seeing Thesis Statements for the rest of your academic career.  Write a 5 - 7 sentence paragraph (with both simple and compound sentences) on why a thesis statement is important.  Provide your own thesis statement as one of your sentences.


Classwork 7.2:


Continue Thesis Statements

Discuss Topic Sentences

Practice Thesis Statements


Homework 7.2:

     Write five sentences using a semicolon each.  Topic must be school appropriate.










Lesson 7.3  (9/23/15)


Warm-Up 7.3:  

     Write 6 sentences on the perfect pet.  3 sentences must be complex sentences.


Classwork 7.3:


Go to noredink.com, use the class code from the front page to create an account.  Take the diagnostic MLA test.


     Take Notes:

  • Supporting Sentences
  • Clincher/Concluding Sentences  


Practice Thesis Statements


Homework 7.3:

     Write five sentences, include and circle a preposition in each.










Lesson 7.4 (9/24/15)


Warm-Up 7.4:

     Write 5 sentences on why you like your favorite food.  State your favorite meal and explain why you like it.


Classwork 7.4:


Practice Thesis Statements

Review Thesis Statements


Homework 7.4:

     Create 2 Frayer models: 1 model for "Subject," 1 model for "Predicate." 









Lesson 7.5 (9/25/15)


Warm-Up 7.5:  

     Think about your favorite movie/tv show.  How did that movie/tv end?  Write 5 sentences describing the ending of that movie/tv show.  Start your paper with SPOILERS ALERT!!!


Exam 7.5:


Take a test on Paragraph Structure


Closure 7.5:

     Staple homework and warm-ups together; put your name, date, and class period on both sides of every sheet.  Turn sheets into your class section.








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