
Lesson 6: Sentence Structure Paragraph Structure

Page history last edited by Travis Doyle 9 years, 3 months ago

Lesson 6.1 (09/14/2015)


Warm-Up 6.1: 

What is sentence variation?  Are children's books written with a lot of sentence variation?  Explain your answer 5-7 Sentences


Classwork 6.1:

Finish "Tom Sawyer"

Notes on Sentence Structure


Homework 6.1:

Write a paragraph about a subject of your choosing, you muse use each of the sentence types you've learned (Simple, Compound, Nonstandard Compound, & Complex)











Lesson 6.2 (09/15/2015)


Warm-Up 6.2: 

If you were in Tom Sawyer's neighborhood, what would you have traded him in order to paint his fence, and why would you consider this to be of value?  3-5 sentences & a doodle.


Classwork 6.2:

Finish "Tom Sawyer"

     Irony and Puns, p. 403

     Performance task, p. 402

     Comic Strip

Notes on Sentence Structure


Homework 6.2:

Write three super sentences about a subject of your choice, but preferably involving zombies.














Lesson 6.3 (09/16/2015)


Warm-Up 6.3: 

Take out a sheet of notebook paper and prepare to take your Quiz on sentence structure.


Classwork 6.3:

Fill out midterms.


Exam 6.3:

Quiz on Sentence Structure


Homework 6.3:

If you were tasked with creating today's quiz, how might you have done it differently?  5-7 Varied Sentences.











Lesson 6.4 (09/17/2015)


Warm-Up 6.4: 

You accidentally broke Mr. Doyle’s pencil sharpener.  Luckily, Mr. Doyle isn’t in the room.  Write a note to put on the pencil sharpener.


Classwork 6.4:

Notes on Paragraph Structure

Present Tom Sawyer Comics


Homework 6.4:

Share what you learned today with someone else.  What are their thoughts and feelings about organized writing?  If you discuss this with someone that is not a person, personify them and speculate on their answers.








Lesson 6.5 (09/18/2015)


Warm-Up 6.5: 

Write a paragraph on your favorite vacation, or a dream vacation.  5-7 varied sentences.


Classwork 6.5:

Notes on Paragraph Structure

Present Tom Sawyer Comics


Closure 6.5:

Staple and turn in your Homework and Warm-ups from this week.










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